Environmental Innovators Transition Year Programme

Environmental Innovators is a brand new programme for Transition Year students that presents the various challenges that our global food system faces and invites students to investigate potential solutions.

What to expect at the Environmental Innovators Peer Day

We welcomed student groups from eight schools to our Environmental Innovators Peer Day in April 2024. Learn more about their projects below.


The consumption of the world’s natural resources is increasing in line with the global demand for food. New methods are required to ensure the food production process can evolve to meet global sustainability objectives.

Our youth are the decision-makers of tomorrow, and with that in mind, Agri Aware has developed Environmental Innovators in partnership with BiOrbic. This project-based programme for Transition Year students reviews the various challenges that our global food system faces and invites students to investigate innovative solutions through the completion of a research project.

Participants will develop critical thinking and communication skills, as well as gaining further exposure to science and agri-food careers through global citizenship and sustainable food systems education.


Environmental Innovators Peer Day 2025 - Finalists

We are delighted to announce our finalists for the 2025 Peer Day. These student groups have been invited to showcase their work, attend workshops, and discuss their proposed innovations with leading agri-food stakeholders and peers at a closed event in early April.

The Peer Day will conclude with a prizegiving ceremony.

Finalists are listed below in alphabetical order by school name.

Boyne Community School (Meath)

Finalists: Laura Gilbride, Faye Govern, Alanna Leonard, Charlie O’Connor

Topic: Solar Panels

Teacher: Laura Murphy

CBS Thurles (Tipperary)

Finalists: Luke Blackwell, Pádraic Callanan

Topic: Using Comfrey as a Fertiliser

Teacher: Mary Creedon

De La Salle College (Louth)

Finalist: Ronan Owens

Topic: Mobile Solar-Powered Greenhouse

Teacher: Sinead Flanagan

Killina Presentation Secondary School (Offaly)

Finalists: Maja Hejnowska, Kamile Bauzaite, Izabela Keskiewicz, Nora Miteva

Topic: Teabag Waste Recycling

Teacher: Natalia Hanczka

Scoil Mhuire, Trim (Meath)

Finalists: Ciara Duffy, Hannah Mulligan, Majella Martin

Topic: Baling Twine Reuse

Teacher: Belynda O Gorman

St Patricks Classical School, Navan (Meath)

Finalist Names: Charlie Twomey, Conall O’Sullivan, Conor Duffy, Diarmuid Fallon

Topic: Sustainable Equine Bedding

Teacher: Cathal O’Reilly

St Patricks Classical School, Navan (Meath)

Finalists:Tom Ryan, Tom Concannon, Tom Howley, Fergus Keelin

Topic: School Recycling Competition

Teacher: Cathal O’Reilly

The High School, Rathgar (Dublin)

Finalists: Doga Erpolat, Jo Jo O’Connor, Olivia Leonard

Topic: Repurposing Waste Paper

Teacher: Geoff Langrell

See below commended entries submitted as part of the 2024/'25 programme.

St. Patricks Secondary School, Castleisland (Kerry)

Finalists: Luke Flaherty, James Credo, Sonia Casis, Cait Daily

Topic: River Waste Collector

Teacher: Kevin Fitzgerald

Coláiste Pobail Naomh Mhuire (Cork)

Finalist: Lily O Callaghan

Topic: Christmas Tree Recycling

Teacher: Mr Pat Curtin

Be the first to know about the next season of the programme by completing this quick expression of interest.


We expect to launch this programme in September 2025, in the meantime, feel free to access the below resources to plan for next years programme.

Peer Day 2024 - Project Spotlights

CBS Kilkenney

Clongowes Wood College

Greystones Community College

Killina Presentation School

O Carolan College

Schoil Muire Trim

St. Clares College

St. Tiernans College

Environmental Innovators Peer Day 2024

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