Incredible Edibles School of the Week | North Dublin Muslim National School

Congratulations to Mairead Penston’s Third Class Dearg, North Dublin Muslim National School Co Dublin. They have been awarded the Incredible edibles School of the Week.

The children of third class Dearg have been really enjoying the Incredible edibles project and cannot wait to harvest all of their healthy fruit and vegetables.

Ms Penston told Agri Aware:

“Our third class Dearg have really enjoyed taking part in the Incredible Edibles programme. We began by examining processed and unprocessed food and realized how much of our food is processed.

“The class learned about the job of the farmer and examined our own lunch boxes. We planted our seeds and are watching them grow day by day. We explored the origins of food with an emphasis on fruit and made some delicious fruit kebabs with fruit from Ireland, India, South Africa and Morocco.

“The Children said ‘Ms. Penston is so impressed with our enthusiasm and how responsible we are looking after our plants!'”

Obair Iontach.

Incredible Edibles

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