Incredible Edibles | Conahy NS is our School of the Week

Congratulations to Laura Egan and all of the pupils at Conahy National School in Co. Kilkenny, who are the Incredible Edibles School of the week.

Everybody has been getting involved in our interactive fruit and vegetable growing programme from infants to sixth class. We have just finished Task One: Learn about Food Origin.

Ms Egan told Agri Aware, “The children here have been learning all about food origin. We researched where their lunch items had come from originally and how long it took them to get to the supermarket. The children have been learning also about some local food producers and enjoyed watching these videos.

“We have started to paint our ladybug rocks and have made some wonderful bird feeders for our school garden. The children in junior infants made healthy paper pizzas while the senior room’s Friday baking challenge saw them master it in reality. All of this plus completing some of the task one activities set out in the Incredible Edibles logbook. Well done all amazing work.”

Incredible Edibles

The children in the school sent in some examples of the work they did on the project and the results are amazing. They spotted how some food was racking up the air miles while others are grown and produced closer to home.

Cool ladybirds decorations have been made to go in the vegetable garden. The growing beds are beginning to take shape ahead of the arrival of the grow packs in schools in the next few weeks.

The project is well into Task Two: Identifying Irish. Here the children learn how to recognise Irish produce. This highlights circular economies, helping to understand why we may or may not be able to grow certain foods that we know and love.

To nominate you school for School of the Week, check out the entry form and submit your entry here.



Incredible Edibles School of the week

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