Agri Aware and equuip team up in search for next From Foal to Race winner

Agri Aware and equuip have teamed up once again in search for the next winner of the Transition Year (TY) programme From Foal to Race. The equine focused programme, now entering its fourth year, has been a huge success and the search for the 2025 winner of the programme is now underway. Agri Aware and […]
Race to find 2024 winner of TY equine programme is underway

The search to find the next winner of the transition year programme From Foal to Race by Agri Aware and equuip for 2024 is underway. Agri Aware and equuip were joined on Thursday, November 16, by the winner of the 2023 programme Ruth Shanley and her classmates in Columba College in Killucan, Co. Westmeath at […]
Westmeath pupil takes top honour in From Foal to Race TY programme with horse racing poem

Seventeen-year-old Ruth Shanley, a transition year student from Columba College in Killucan, Co. Westmeath was announced as the winner of the 2023 From Foal to Race TY programme with her poem titled ‘From Foal to Race’. With some help from her classmates, Ruth’s poem was inspired by the process of raising a foal to a […]
Agri Aware and equuip launch From Foal to Race Programme at Thurles Races

‘From Foal to Race’ winners meet Rachael at Punchestown!

From Foal to Race Webinar | Kate McMenmon

The first careers webinar from the Agri Aware From Foal to Race Transition year programme in association with Equuip was with Katie McManmon. Katie is a former apprentice jockey who now coaches and lectures at RACE, the jockey training academy on the Curragh. In her own words: “My name is Katie McManmon and I am […]